Prior’s Reflection, Timothy Kelly


Important people come and go, live and die, emperors, popes, presidents. But we are especially grateful to Abbot Timothy, a giant among us, whom we can call by name and recognize as a friend.

Prior’s Reflection, Timothy Kelly
Roman Paur OSB, 10 August 2010

Recently Abbot Timothy Kelly, former Abbot of Saint John’s Abbey, Collegeville, and two-term Abbot President of the American Cassinese Congregation, learned that he has cancer of the esophagus. The cancer has spread throughout his lymph system. He has initiated reasonable medical procedures but Abbot Timothy knows that his life is shortened now. He is up and about as he courageously confronts this invasion of his health with a positive attitude and reassuring faith.

We celebrate Abbot Timothy’s life that is a blessing to many over a long time around the world, a life of faith in witnessing the Gospel, a life of service in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, and a life of example in demonstrating the healing love of God.

We Benedictine monks in Fujimi are especially grateful to Abbot Timothy for his unwavering support of our commitment in Japan, for his strong encouragement of our monastic witness and service both in Meguro and in Fujimi, and for his leadership in partnering also with the emerging Church of China.

Important people come and go, live and die, emperors, popes, presidents. But we are especially grateful to Abbot Timothy, a giant among us, whom we can call by name and recognize as a friend. This humble man has dedicated his life to building bridges among peoples and within communities. These bridges continue to be strengthened as lifelines of learning and understanding, tolerance and respect, forgiveness and peace.

Abbot Timothy’s living legacy challenges each of us in our short time on earth to live a life of grace with one another, to be a blessing that gives us hope and reassurance in our daily struggles, and to take the visionary lead in making our worlds better, starting at home.

Thank you, Abbot Timothy. We are praying for you.

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