Category Archives: Timothy Kelly

Bishop’s apology welcome response to abuse victims

“The church could take a giant step toward restored health if others found the courage to follow the example of Hanus. For all the hurt that had piled up between bishops and victims, Hanus’ simple remarks were met with a … Continue reading

Father Roman Appointed, ISTI Named

With the announcement of its official name, the Interfaith Sexual Trauma Institute (ISTI), and the naming of its executive director, Father Roman Paur, the board of directors of the institute began its 3 May planning meeting.

Victims of Clergy Abuse Meet at Saint John’s

In response to the invitation of Abbot Timothy Kelly, OSB, chancellor ofSaintJohn’s University, representatives of the national organization of Victims of Clergy Abuse Linkup, Inc., met at SJU on Nov. 20-21.

Trauma Institute Approved, Abuse Victims Meet

With the unanimous approval and support of the university’s Board of Regents on 16 October, a further step has been taken in the evolving plan to establish an institute on sexual trauma here.

Headmaster, Father Thomas Andert, Resigns

Father Thomas Andert, Headmaster of Saint John’s Preparatory School for the past six years, submitted his resignation, effective 1 June 1994, to Abbot Timothy Kelly early this fall.

Sex-trauma institute to be established

COLLEGEVILLE, Minn. – Officials of St. John’s Abbey and St John’s University have voted to establish a sexual-trauma institute to promote healing of victims abused by clergy and to prevent such abuse.

Addresses and Statements by Abbot Timothy Kelly, OSB

from Abbot Timothy Kelly’s response to a Professor of the University: . . . we try to stress three points: Sexual abuse and sexual exploitation by monks are immoral and will not be tolerated within the Saint John’s community. As … Continue reading

The Blessing

On the feast of the Baptism of the Lord in a liturgy resplendent with symbolism Abbot Timothy Kelly was blessed as the ninth abbot of Saint John’s Abbey. It was a family affair with invitations to students, faculty, the many other … Continue reading