Lawsuit targets St. John’s Prep School, abbey


A former St. John’s Prep School student sued the school and St. John’s Abbey on Tuesday, alleging fraud for allowing a monk to continue interacting with students after they received an allegation of sexual misconduct against the monk.

Jeramiah “Jerry” D. McCarthy’s lawsuit accuses the school and abbey of knowing as early as the mid-1960s that the Rev. Bruce Wollmering had been “sexually inappropriate” with a child. The lawsuit accuses them of concealing the allegations against Wollmering, and it accuses Wollmering of abusing McCarthy in 1971.

The lawsuit, which was filed in Stearns County District Court, accuses Wollmering of having a history of sexual misconduct with students. Wollmering was a counselor and psychology professor at St. John’s who died in February at the age of 68.

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Lawsuit targets St. John’s Prep School, abbey
By David Unze
St. Cloud Times
December 9, 2009

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Topics: Bruce Wollmering, John Klassen, Patrick Noaker

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