Monastic Rebuttal


“I know for a fact that many monks felt demonized and ostracized by the Record’s article. That is hardly ethical and it is hardly Benedictine. Let’s live our values, shall we?” – Cody Maynus, SJU sophomore

Monastic Rebuttal

Dear Editor,

As a Lutheran whose personal formation has been greatly influenced by the Benedictine men and women of these institutions, I feel like I have the obligation to speak up and voice my opinions regarding last week’s article about the clergy sex abuse scandal on campus.

First of all, I would like to call the Record’s journalistic integrity into question in the choice to feature a photograph of a monk not in any way related to the sexual abuse scandal. I happen to know the monk pictured and know for a fact that his name is not present on the list of offenders released by the Abbey. In fact, this particular monk was not even in monastic formation when the last criminal sexual activity occurred on campus.

Read Entire Article Here

Peace to you and grace,
Cody Maynus – SJU sophomore

Monastic rebuttal
By Cody Maynus
Posted on Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 1:37 pm
The Record

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Topics: Cody Maynus, Opinion

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