Fr. Robert Blumeyer Obituary


Fr. Robert BIumeyer, who entered our community in 1949, died on 5 October. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1956, the centenary year of our early monks’ arrival in Minnesota. Shortly thereafter he was assigned to the parochial ministry, a work that he did not exactly anticipate, but which he fell in love with and continued to follow for the next twenty-seven years. He served as an associate or pastor in our parish in Hastings for fourteen years and for briefer periods in Saint Cloud, Wayzata, Avon, and Farming in Minnesota, and in the Bronx in New York. He particularly gained the respect and love of youth and teenagers.

He zealously prepared classes for first Holy Communion and confirmation and preserved the group photographs as cherished remembrances. He was ever filled with enthusiasm for parish life, and the people to whom he ministered found him cheerful and pleasant. He loved music and was a gifted pianist. he used this expertise in promoting congregational singing in the parishes where he ministered.

Afflicted with a serious heart ailment in recent years, he bore his cross with courage and patience until his final moment. He was alert and ready for the coming of the Lord. He regarded Christian life as an exodus, a pilgrimage, a traveling along the road that involves work and alertness. We thank God for Father Robert’s life and service among us.

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