Letter from Alum: SJU Removed from Will


Needless to say, we no longer donate money and are not proud to be graduates of SJU.  My parents recently told me that they have removed CSB and SJU from their will.

Date: Wed, Oct 10, 2012
Subject: One simple question
To: sjpresident@csbsju.edu

Hello Michael,

Congratulations on becoming president of SJU.  I am a ‘9X graduate of SJU, the last of my family of 6 siblings to graduate from CSB or SJU.

My family and many of our friends and fellow alumni are disgusted with the abuse that has been allowed to occur at SJU over the years as well as the continued protection given to the criminals.  We have voiced our concerns and disgust to various Board of Trustee members, Alumni relation administrators, faculty, and current students.  Needless to say, we no longer donate money and are not proud to be graduates of SJU.  My parents recently told me that they have removed CSB and SJU from their will.  It is sickening and sad to see how little has been done in regard to protecting past abuse victims and how much has been allowed to continue to this day.

The announcement that the first layperson would become president gave us some hope that things would start to change and some hope that the University would clean up its act and hold itself up to the moral and legal standards of a public university.

What are you doing differently to correct this problem that so many of your past predecessors have not?


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