Man convicted of sexual abuse to face child rape charge in Mass

[Webmaster’s Note: Matthew Feeney is a 1991 graduate of Saint John’s University and was the Youth Group Minister at the Church of St. Joseph in the early 1990s.]

NORTON, Mass. — A forming casting agent behind bars in Minnesota for sexually abusing boys will soon be extradited to Massachusetts on charges including child rape.


The local victim, who was just 14 at the time, came forward to his mother the year after the 2010 incident and told her Matthew Feeney, a relative who had stayed with them in their Norton home, had sexually assaulted him during his stay.

“It was like a bomb went off in our life, and even though you couldn’t see we were missing anything physical, everything changed in our life,” the teen’s mother told FOX25. “To be betrayed by someone you’ve loved your whole life, it’s particularly devastating.”

Later, in 2013, Feeney pleaded guilty to sexually abusing two other boys, one of them just nine years old. They are brothers and former clients of Feeney’s Minnesota casting agency, Walden Entertainment, which he used to cast children in acting roles.

In the early 1990s, Feeney received probation and was sent to treatment for three child sex abuse convictions, when he worked as a camp counselor and a Catholic youth pastor.

In journal entries obtained by FOX5 in Minneapolis, Feeney admitted to his “temptation.”

“It would be so much easier to simply be gay,” Feeney wrote. “At least you could find some support and acceptance from others who share your feelings. How many support groups are there for potential child molesters? Call it what you want. That’s what I am. I am a monster.”

Feeney, who is serving a nine-year sentence for the 2013 plea, had been fighting extradition, but waived rendition last week, agreeing to travel to Bristol County to face the Massachusetts charges.

The local mother, who had no knowledge of Feeney’s past, said her son is ready to testify against Feeney, for himself and for others. He wants to encourage other potential victims to come forward.

“Whatever Matthew Feeney has to serve, he’ll be done and he’ll get out, but my son will serve a life sentence,” she said. “We’re tired of waiting. We just want justice, and we just want a trial date, and we want to go forward and put this behind us, so that my son can heal.”

FOX25 tried reaching Feeney’s attorney, but did not make contact.

A spokesman for the Bristol County District Attorney said no court date has yet been set, but they are looking forward to the case finally being tried.

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