Three More Fr. Dan Ward Victims


When news of the abuse scandal broke twenty years ago, Saint John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota chose Fr. Dan Ward as its public voice. [ View 1991 Coverage ]

Today, we know that Fr. Dan Ward has at least three alleged victims. Information provided by credible sources suggests that there may be many, many more.


1. Sexual misconduct involving male teenager (A) (Excerpt, below)
2. Sexual misconduct involving male SJU student (A) (Excerpt, below)
3. Sexual misconduct involving young St. John’s monk (A) (Excerpt, below)
4. Propositioned young St. John’s Abbey monk (B)
5. Relationship with nun from St. Ben’s (C)
6. Relationship with wife of Prep School employee (B) (D)
7. Traveled with (married) girlfriend from law school (B)
8. Canonial Misconduct #1 (E)
9. Canonical Misconduct #2 (E)


A. Statement from Victim
B. Per Former Saint John’s Abbey Monk
C. Per Current Saint John’s Abbey Monk
D. Per Former Saint John’s Prep Employee
E. Monk from Benedictine Abbey


1. “During my visit, I spent the night in a guest room at the monastery. The night of my stay, Fr. Ward entered the guest room while I was in bed. After some conversation Fr. Ward walked over, sat on the edge of my bed and kissed me on the mouth for an extended and altogether uncomfortable period of time.”

2. “As he kissed me, I also felt him rub his obviously aroused genital area against me.  I had never been kissed or touched by a man in this way before, and it was repulsive to me.  And I could not understand what prompted it.”

3. “When I reported the situation to Abbot Kelly he listened but then dismissed me saying I was over exaggerating and it would all pass by… I could not believe this as I was consoled by another monk at the time and he had told me that Kelly had known about Ward from a previous case had done nothing about it.”

Related: Dan Ward, SOB

Related: Former Monk Regarding Fr. Dan Ward

Related: Video from 1991 News Broadcast (Dan Ward at 1:40 Mark)

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