Official Statement of December 9, 2013


Official Statement of December 9, 2013
Release of Names of Monks Who Likely Have Offended Against Minors

Saint John’s Abbey voluntarily is releasing the names of current and former monks who likely have offended against minors. Most of the names previously have been made public. The list includes 18 names: nine monks who are living at Saint John’s Abbey under supervised safety plans, seven monks who are deceased and two men who have been dispensed from their religious vows and no longer are connected to the Abbey.

The claims against each of those named were reviewed either by the Abbey’s External Review Board or by the Abbot himself. In each case, it was determined that there was sufficient evidence to include the person on the list.  In some cases, however, all the facts could not be completely substantiated. Claims against some of those named on the list, for example, were not brought to the Abbey’s attention for decades after the accused monk’s death. It is in several of these cases where the Abbot made the determination to include the name of the monk on the list despite the lack of corroborating evidence.

The External Review Board was created in 2003. The seven-member panel includes those who have expertise in the treatment of sexual abuse of minors, judges, attorneys and current and former members of law enforcement. In addition, the Board consistently has included a survivor of sexual abuse. The Board is charged with evaluating allegations of sexual abuse against members of the Abbey and making recommendations for action to the Abbot, as well as conducting annual reviews of individual monks’ safety plans.

“This list reflects our best efforts to identify those who likely have offended against minors,” said Brother Aelred Senna, OSB, spokesperson for the Abbey. “That task often is complicated by the passage of time, the deaths of some of those involved and sometimes incomplete accounts of the past. Even so, we are including all 18 names to provide as complete of a list as we can to acknowledge the pain suffered by victims. This list underscores our commitment to being transparent in our policies and procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse.

“Our commitment is reflected in the policies and procedures implemented over the past decade, particularly the External Review Board. This Board gives victims the assurance that allegations of abuse against minors will be investigated objectively, sensitively and thoroughly,” said Brother Aelred.

Bik, Michael

Eckroth, Richard

Gillespie, Thomas

Maiers, Brennan

McDonald, Finian

Moorse, Dunstan

Phillips, James

Schulte, Francisco

Tarlton, Allen

Bennett, Andre†

Blumeyer, Robert†

Dahlheimer, Cosmas†

Hoefgen, Francis*

Hohmann, Othmar†

Keller, Dominic†

Kelly, John*

Wendt, Pirmin†

Wollmering, Bruce†

 † = deceased
* = no longer a monk of Saint John’s

For more information on Saint John’s Abbey’s policies and procedures regarding response to sexual abuse, see the Safe Environment section of this web site.


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Topics: Allen Tarlton, Andre Bennett, Brennan Maiers, Bruce Wollmering, Cosmas Dahlheimer, Dominic Keller, Dunstan Moorse, Finian McDonald, Fran Hoefgen, Francisco Schulte, Jim Phillips, John Kelly, John Klassen, Michael Bik, Othmar Hohmann, Pirmim Wendt, Richard Eckroth, Robert Blumeyer, Thomas Gillespie

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